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CHAPTER 7: Evaluating Educational Technology


Evaluating Educational Technology


It is important to evaluate the educational technology and software first before using in order to determine if those are suited for the needs and interest of the learner as well as the subjects. Also, it is important to evaluate the software and educational technology during its usage to know if those things are helping the students to understand the lesson. Likewise, it is important to evaluate the educational technology and software after its use in class to know if those things become effective in presenting the lesson; if the students are able to tell, explain or demonstrate the idea of the lesson

This activity aims to determine the significance of evaluating educational technology

After learning the need of evaluating educational technology, answer briefly questions below.

1. Why is it important for teachers to evaluate educational technology and software to its use, during its usage and after its use in class instruction?

The appropriate period to use checklists, rating scales and rubrics is when there is a performance and/or product. Performance and product need checklist, rating scale or rubrics because it is not easy to evaluate that two without those things. Without checklist, rating scale or rubrics to evaluate the performance or product, the result of the evaluation has the tendency to be subjective. In order to avoid that, better to use either of the three.

2. When is the appropriate period to use checklists, rating scales and rubrics?

The appropriate period to use checklists, rating scales and rubrics is when there is a performance and/or product. Performance and product need checklist, rating scale or rubrics because it is not easy to evaluate that two without those things. Without checklist, rating scale or rubrics to evaluate the performance or product, the result of the evaluation has the tendency to be subjective. In order to avoid that, better to use either of the three.


John Paul V. De Mesa August 18, 2018

I Can Make ET

This activity aims to develop one’s own evaluation tool in using and evaluating educational software for classroom use.

This activity will be done by pair. Going back to the activities of the previous chapter, create your own (original) evaluation tool to evaluate the kiosk earlier created. Consider the content, use of multimedia, presentation, delivery, message/content, effectiveness, and others. Use any productivity tool in producing your evaluation tool. Print and paste your work below. 1 = Needs Improvement 2 = Satisfactory 3 = Superior 4 = Exemplary






1. Organization

The information of the topic are well organize.


2. Creativity

The educational software has originality.


3. Multimedia Used

The educational software has multimedia like pictures, videos, music, etc.


4. Content

The content of the educational software is short but precise and complete.


5. Presentation of the Lesson

The lesson in educational software is well presented.


6. Message

The message of the educational software is clear and easily understands.


7. Effects

All links, animations, transition, videos, music, etc. are working properly.


8. Design

The design of the educational software is exemplary.


9. Attractive

The educational software is attractive.


10. Readability

All texts are readable.


TOTAL = 32




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